About me


I’m a pediatric occupational therapist who experiences executive dysfunction, currently working with children 0-21 years old in the school-based and early intervention settings. I have a serious passion for supporting children and their families across all aspects of life but have noticed that that support gets smaller and smaller the older folks get. Transitioning from early intervention to preschool services then school-based support is focused so tightly on academic functioning that often day-to-day tasks can get overlooked. My goal with minds of all kinds is to provide digestible resources for the neurodivergent brain to help neurodiverse adults, children, and families be happier and more successful in their daily lives.

My Mission

I want to support folks of all neurotypes in accessing their daily lives. Everyone has a right to a fulfilling and happy life, sometimes we all can use a little support.


Linked items are affiliated with an Amazon affiliate account. Specific items discussed/ portrayed within blogs may also be associated with various affiliate links. Despite financial compensation, these products are those that have been filtered to be most cost-effective and those that I would recommend to my personal therapy clients with financial constraints in mind.

Contact: mindsofallkinds@gmail.com